The Hartwell Foundation


2017 Class of Hartwell Fellows

Memphis, TN, July 15, 2018 - The Hartwell Foundation announced its 2017 class of Hartwell Fellows, which provides funding to US citizens for postdoctoral training in biomedical science at select research institutions in the United States. The Fellowships offer support for two years at $50,000 direct cost per year to support scientists in the early stages of biomedical research careers by enabling them to pursue further specialized training as part of their professional development.

For each Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award that a participating institution receives in the annual Hartwell competition, the institution may designate one postdoctoral candidate of their choice from areas of biomedical science that exemplify the values of the Foundation. With twelve Hartwell Investigators in the Class of 2017 representing ten institutions, the following individuals will receive a Hartwell Fellowship:

Duke University

Elizabeth M. Ransey, Ph.D.

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer

Brian Joyce, Ph.D.
Preventive Medicine

Duke University

Michelle Brault, Ph.D.
Clinical Research Division

Denise Buenrostro, Ph.D.
Clinical Research Division

The Johns Hopkins University

Eric Garr, Ph.D.
Psychological & Brain Sciences

Northwestern University

Ethan M. Johnson, MS, Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering

University of Pennsylvania

Sydney M. Shaffer, MD, Ph.D.
Cancer Biology: Jul 2018-Jan 2019

Shannon L. Wolfman, Ph.D.
Neuroscience: appointed Jan 2019 to complete remaining term

University of Minnesota

June Baik, Ph.D.

University of California, San Diego

Kathryn Patras, Ph.D.

University of Virginia

Kathleen M. Krol, MS, Ph.D.
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Andrew J. McDermott, Ph.D.
Biomolecular Chemistry

Jeffrey Scott Fites, Ph.D.

Yale University

Valerie Tornini, Ph.D.

Each qualifying institution chose an exceptional individual with high promise in the field of biomedical research. The Fellowship will enable the recipient to pursue further specialized training in an area of science that they passionately wish to pursue. The Hartwell Foundation is honored to provide financial support to these outstanding young scientists.

2017 Hartwell Fellow Elizabeth M. Ransey, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Kafui Dzirasa, MD, Ph.D., Duke University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Elizabeth M. Ransey, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Kafui Dzirasa, MD, Ph.D., Duke University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Michelle Brault, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Marie Bleakley, MMsc, MD, Ph.D., Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

2017 Hartwell Fellow Michelle Brault, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Marie Bleakley, MMsc, MD, Ph.D., Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

2017 Hartwell Fellow Denise Buenrostro, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Aude Chapuis, MD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

2017 Hartwell Fellow Denise Buenrostro, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Aude Chapuis, MD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

2017 Hartwell Fellow Eric Garr, Ph.D. (R) and mentor Patricia Janak, PH.D., Johns Hopkins University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Eric Garr, Ph.D. (R) and mentor Patricia Janak, PH.D., Johns Hopkins University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Ethan M. Johnson	MS, Ph.D. (Seated) and mentor Mozziyar Etemadi, MS, MD, Ph.D., Northwestern University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Ethan M. Johnson MS, Ph.D. (Seated) and mentor Mozziyar Etemadi, MS, MD, Ph.D., Northwestern University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Sydney M. Shaffer, MD, Ph.D (L) and Junwei Shi, Ph.D.,  University of Pennsylvania

2017 Hartwell Fellow Sydney M. Shaffer, MD, Ph.D and mentor Junwei Shi, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

2017 Hartwell Fellow Kathryn Patras, Ph.D., and mentor Victor Nizet, MD, University of California, San Diego

2017 Hartwell Fellow Kathryn Patras, Ph.D., and mentor Victor Nizet, MD, University of California, San Diego

2017 Hartwell Fellow Kathleen M. Krol, MSc, Ph.D. and mentor Jessica J. Connelly, Ph.D., University of Virginia

2017 Hartwell Fellow Kathleen M. Krol, MSc, Ph.D. and mentor Jessica J. Connelly, Ph.D., University of Virginia

2017 Hartwell Fellow Andrew J. McDermott, Ph.D. (Seated) and mentor Christina Hull, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin – Madison

2017 Hartwell Fellow Andrew J. McDermott, Ph.D. and mentor Christina Hull, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Madison

2017 Hartwell Fellow Jeffrey Scott Fites, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Bruce Klein, MD, University of Wisconsin – Madison

2017 Hartwell Fellow Jeffrey Scott Fites, Ph.D. (L) and mentor 2006 Hartwell Investigator Bruce Klein, MD, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2017 Hartwell Fellow Valerie Tornini, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Antonio Giraldez, Ph.D., Yale University

2017 Hartwell Fellow Valerie Tornini, Ph.D. (L) and mentor Antonio Giraldez, Ph.D., Yale University

Hartwell Fellows